суббота, 26 мая 2018 г.

How to update SAP service pack level

To find the current SAP service-pack level, go to the t-code SPAM and push Package Level button. On the next screen you will see a list of components, from where the key component is SAP_APPL:

The procedure consist of the next steps:
1. Download required SAP-packages on SAP marketplace
2. Extract SAR - files (optional)
For old core, you need to extract SAR - files with SAPCAR app (having this patterns for the folder C:\TEMP) in Windows cmd:
-- . go to top C disc by command (one level up)
CD ..
-- . go to TEMP directory by command
-- . Execute the extraction by command
All files will be extracted in C:\TEMP
3. Load packages to your system (t-code SPAM, 000 client - login under non-SAP* user) by one of the options:

4. To select new packages choose "New packages"

and go to Packages Overview screen
5. Select the highest package and push Calculate the queue.
and Start the process

6. After the run it could be several stops, let's review them.
Phase CHECK_REQUIREMENTS shows the requests, that should be imported through TMS
Phase CHECK_INACT_OBJECTS here you might be asked to activate (or return to last active version) of object
Phase TEST_IMPORT errors
To explore the errors, drill-down to red line, for example for request SAPKH60509:
SAPKH60509                                                                 0008 Correct test import errors
R3TRCLASCL_PO_HEADER_HANDLE_MM          was repaired in this system
R3TRFUGRM61R                                                         was repaired in this system
Obviously, you have to release change requests, which blocks some mutual objects.
So, go to SE03

And select mentioned object (R3TRCLASCL_PO_HEADER_HANDLE_MM) like that:

To find change request that have to be released:

To perform multiple selection, use the table E071.
At phase ADDON_CONFLICTS some missing components can be determined by the system additionally:
So, you should cancel the procedure, download the required packages and re-calculate the queue.
Most tricky - is the last one.
At first, you should reset the queue status, then to delete current queue:
-- In the initial screen of SPAM, choose Display/define:

-- on the list-screen choose the Delete queue icon:
-- after that, you can re-calculate the queue on the service pack overview screen and start it again.
At the end of update procedure you will see such beautiful screen:

The last action - is to confirm the queue

General questions
Should all change requests be released before update starting? -- Not all of them. At the phase TEST_IMPORT system defines those requests, which are affected and have to be released.

Unzipped archives store in folder \usr\sap\trans\EPS\in