понедельник, 27 июля 2020 г.

Logmein Hamachi installation / configuration / start steps on RHEL from command line

The installation procedure is described here (except RPM-file path)

RPM-file path is taken from here (64 bit version)

Step 1: Download Required RPM Packages
Under the root user run command
# wget https://www.vpn.net/installers/logmein-hamachi-

Step 2: After files dowloaded, run command to install
# rpm -ivh logmein-hamachi-

Step 3: After installation Start Hamachi Service (good result: starting - success)
# /etc/init.d/logmein-hamachi start

Step 4: Join Hamachi Existing Network
# hamachi login
Logging in .......... ok

# hamachi join 111-222-333
Password:<required, doesnt work w/o pass>
Joining 111-222-333 .. ok

Step 5: Check Hamachi Status and Details
# hamachi

To check the current joined network and other details about that network
# hamachi list

воскресенье, 12 июля 2020 г.

The very first steps after S4 HANA installation

Client copy. 
I am not sure, but I guess even for training purposes you need to setup new client besides 000 because some actions can not be done there.
So, first create a new line in SCC4

Also you need to create / populate Logical system (SALE--Basic Settings--Logical Systems--Define Logical System)

Then, make copy in SCCLN under user SAP*

When client copy completed, you will see such a picture:
Setup Transport Management System

Enter transaction STMS and confirm default options (under SAP*)

To check TMS system, use SE38 program RSTPTEST

If everything is Ok,you will see the screen with STMS import queue

Import profiles

In RZ10 select Utilites -- Import profiles -- Of active servers

Create basic parameters for default profile that will make it possible to work from the browser



Memory parameters
abap/shared_objects_size_MB 3000
abap/buffersize 2500000

You can check the result by NWBC link (some SICF nodes might need to activate)


Assign the following roles to your user so that the first screen will not be blank


So, the result is OK

Let's activate Fiori environment
Prerequisites for Fiori 3 System Landscape (details here)
SAP S/4HANA with embedded SAP Fiori front-end server with Installed components 
SAP_UI 754
UIBAS001 500

Will pass steps from note
2834415 - Composite SAP note: Rapid Activation for SAP Fiori in SAP S/4HANA 1909

Run tr. SU25 and select Initially fill the Customer Tables point with default option

After that I've activated all regarding the article 

суббота, 11 июля 2020 г.

How to run S4 HANA environment (HDB & application server)

Start sequence

1. under database user s4dadm
s4host:~ # su - s4dadm
s4dadm@s4host:/usr/sap/S4D/HDB00> HDB start

2. under application server user s4hadm
su - s4hadm
s4host:s4hadm 51> /usr/sap/S4H/D01/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 01 -function Start
s4host:s4hadm 51> /usr/sap/S4H/ASCS02/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 02 -function Start

Stop sequence

1. under application server user s4hadm
su - s4hadm
s4host:s4hadm 51> /usr/sap/S4H/ASCS02/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 02 -function Stop
s4host:s4hadm 51> /usr/sap/S4H/D01/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 01 -function Stop

2. under database user s4dadm
s4host:~ # su - s4dadm
s4dadm@s4host:/usr/sap/S4D/HDB00> HDB stop

Run processes check
s4host:~ # su - s4dadm
s4dadm@s4host:/usr/sap/S4D/HDB00> sapcontrol -nr 01 -function GetProcessList

Should be something like this...
name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
disp+work, Dispatcher, GREEN, Running, 2020 06 22 10:26:58, 0:02:58, 8795
igswd_mt, IGS Watchdog, GREEN, Running, 2020 06 22 10:26:58, 0:02:58, 8796
gwrd, Gateway, GREEN, Running, 2020 06 22 10:27:01, 0:02:55, 8815
icman, ICM, GREEN, Running, 2020 06 22 10:27:01, 0:02:55, 8816

VBox tricks / UUID change
CD C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\
C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid "E:\RHEL8\RHEL8.vdi"

To grant folder's authorisation in Linux, the next commands use:
chmod a-x,g+w file
chmod ug=rw,o=r file
the steps under root user are:
chmod a-x,g+w  /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in
chmod -R 777 /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in