At first, select oData service you want to check, for example, something with business partner.
Here is API_BUSINESS_PARTNER service - need to activate in /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE
Then, go to "Call Browser" button:
URL with this format will be opened:$format=xml
Here you can see some collections, which starts from "A_" patterns:
Copy such collection (A_BusinessPartner) and put it after basic service name:
It brings the list of business partners from the system:
To have information about exact BP, put BP number in such format to URL:'300000')
You can do the same from Postman for example:
To expand business partner data for some particular directions, you can add such extension (in blue):'300000')/to_BusinessPartnerAddress
How to find an API on SAP S/4HANA OP (EN) | SAP Blogs
Create Sales Order - SAP Help Portal
Other API-s examples
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