вторник, 13 октября 2020 г.

First touch of S/4 HANA Migration Cockpit

Before all, please keep in mind, that data migration cockpit does not support internal number ranges, only external number range can be used (S4 cloud versions - does have Migration Object Product with internal number range):

2565362 - SAP S/4HANA Migration cockpit: Material changes from internal to external numbering

To run Migration Cockpit, hit the transaction LTMC, system will jump to browser

In case you see 403 Forbidden – don't be scared, just activate web-service dmc_wda (SICF).

Also check that others are active dmc_wda_gaf

/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/DMC_WDA – Migrate Your Data
/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/DMC_WDA_GAF – Guided Activity for Migration Object

The full path looks like that (888 - client)


Create new project

Give your project a name

Select migration Object

Jump over the warning

Download template (*.xml file, edit with Excel)

Populate the file (different tabs are possible)

Upload the file populated earlier

Select line with uploaded file and hit Activate and Start Transfer

Jump over the message

You will see the beautiful progress bar

There are some errors:

So, the Error is
Field Material views on sheet Basic Data is not provided  Message no. CNV_DMC_SIN394

Some information about the matter here:

2554475 - SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit: Missing material views (e.g. Basic data) or additional views created you does not want to have

Possible material views (maintenance status)
A = Work Scheduling;
B = Accounting;
D = MRP;
E = Purchasing;
F = PRT;
G = Costing;
K = Basic;
L = Storage;
P = Forecast;
Q = QM;
S = Warehouse management;
V = Sales.

The best way to define material maintenance status - is to create material master manually and check field MARA-VPSTA

The normal result at this stage looks like below

On the next step you can repeat the procedure for all red coloured lines one-by-one:

Hit active link in the Name column, for ex. Mapping of Purchasing Group, on the next screen
1 - select line 2 - hit tick 3 - Save

Another option - select all lines and hit Confirm Mapping Values. Every new mapping appears one time, so if you will be upload same fields again no bothering.

Hit Next, Data Simulation progress bar will appear:

Success story

The file from the article is here.

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